Become a Partner

If you’re a facilitator or innovation consultant looking for an edge, consider becoming a Basadur Partner. For those who qualify, we offer a comprehensive training program to get you certified and ready to join our team

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Why become a Basadur Partner?

  • Differentiate yourself from the many facilitators and so-called innovation consultants.
  • Raise awareness of your innovation expertise with your customers, colleagues, and other stakeholders.
  • Learn how to translate preconsult knowledge into high value customer proposals.
  • Stay knowledgeable in the latest trends and research developments in innovation.
  • Access a team of highly skilled innovation practitioners when needed.
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How to become a Basadur Partner?

  • Complete Level I and Level II Workshops.
  • Attend the PIA Advanced Practitioner Seminar.
  • Provide three written reference letters describing the impact that you have made using the Simplex process. These must be from the last three years.
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Maintaining your designation is easy!

  • Write an online assessment examination every three years.
  • Earn ongoing Continuing Education credits through seminars, webinars and/or eCourses.
  • Use Simplexity-branded materials and tools (Dots, HMW pads, Action Planning pads, Profile, etc) in all working sessions to demonstrate that you are using a professional (and proven) innovation process.
  • Voluntary: contribute to the Body of Knowledge of the Center for Research in Applied Creativity (i.e. articles, insights obtained while working, contributing to research).
  • Annual fee of $275.
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Over the last two years, I have implemented Simplexity Thinking System across several organisations including big corporates and family owned businesses to help leaders define and solve some of their biggest challenges. 

My clients have benefited immensely in terms of hard results. Basadur’s structured and practical approach to creative problem solving has been revolutionary in opening the minds of leaders and teams to new possibilities

Simplextity Thinking System is a game changer in the VUCA world we live in and a catalyst for organisations to become more adaptable!